Survey on experiences of grant-funded digital LAM workers

Due to the limitations of funding, space, and number of participants in a constructive meeting, we cannot include every voice in our forum conversations. However, we would like to offer the opportunity for as many people as possible to participate and share their experiences for our Experiences forum. This survey gathers information about both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of working in term-limited positions created through grant funding.


The survey period will begin on November 1, 2018 and end on December 7, 2018. The survey is open to anyone currently or formerly performing digital work in libraries, archives, and museums, whose position is/was term-limited and created using grant-funding. Such work need not be mostly, entirely, or exclusively digital. The term digital is intended to include those such as software developers while not excluding the archivist who creates a non-paper finding aid. It includes both the scanner technician and the museum curator who builds a small site to accompany an exhibit.

The survey should take 15-30 minutes to complete. We are providing a PDF copy of the survey to offer respondents the opportunity to view the questions before answering and draft responses. Respondents may complete the survey multiple times to describe multiple positions and accompanying experiences. While participating in a study carries the risk of a loss of confidentiality, the investigators have minimized risk by not collecting IP or other personally identifiable information. The survey does not ask for contact information or information about places of employment.

The survey may surface unpleasant memories or emotions. Participants may discontinue taking the survey at any time and PIs encourage them to prioritize their emotional well-being.

If you have any questions, you may contact Ruth Kitchin Tillman at or 814-867-1038 or Sandy Rodriguez at or 816-235-2229. If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, please contact the or 814-865-1775, referencing STUDY00010545.

This survey is intended to be taken by persons 18 years of age or older. We appreciate your participation in this research project. We hope the results of this survey will contribute toward developing improved standards and benchmarks for the creation of such positions.